EUROSAF Regrets Zvi Ziblat Passing Away
October 5, 2020
Bidding for Events 2021
October 15, 2020President’s 19th Letter – 05/10/2020

Dear friends,
I wish you, your family, and your sailors are in good health. It is with great sadness that we learnt about Zvi Ziblat (ISR) passing away a few days ago. His was an untamed voice strongly defending his views about sailing, sailing administration, and decision-making shortfalls; we sadly lose a champion of our sport.
As we announced in previous messages, together with the organising authorities, we have made every effort to keep EUROSAF Events in the calendar because we want to give sailors and ROs sailing opportunities in spite of the current pandemic. We are happy to report that the two events that were still envisaged in my last message went ahead as planned.
The EUROSAF L30 Class European Championship (fully crewed) was organised in Marseille by Union Nautique Marseillaise with seven teams taking part. France, with an all-star team, took the lead in the first race and held to it till the last one. On the last day, mistral made its appearance and, although the PRO cancelled all races, team France took their L30 for a bashing at 36 knots, from which it came back unscathed as expected. ESP and BEL teams also made it to the podium. Check the highlights video.
A week later, the EUROSAF Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Mixed Offshore European Championship took place in Genoa, organised by Yacht Club Italiano and SSI Events. Nine teams registered and the course went to the Giraglia, then to the Tuscan islands, and finally headed towards the Ligurian coast for a final loop finishing in Genoa after three nights at sea. After leading most of the race, team ESP was overtaken, out of sheer exhaustion, by a strong team FRA; team BEL finished second. The quality of teams was exceptional and they expressed a high level of satisfaction with the event. Looking forward, they realise many points are new in this event and they need to prepare and train specifically for it. We are proud the event was linked to research against breast cancer (Nastro Rosa – Pink Ribbon), thanks to the efforts of SSI Events.
Expanding on last year’s first EUROSAF Mixed Offshore European Championship sailed from Venice to Trieste, a further event is scheduled in Venice combining three types of sailing boats (keelboat – L30, multihull – DIAM24, and boards – kites) and mixed crews (mixed offshore and kite mixed relay). This showcase event prefigures the fully-fledged Tour of Italy foreseen next year with the same configuration and again linked to the Nastro Rosa breast cancer fight. Check the highlights video.
Secretary General
We are happy to welcome Doris Gstatter (AUT) as new secretary general of EUROSAF from October 1st and wish her success in this position. Roland Regnemer, whom we thank for his dedication, forward-looking ideas, and sailing experience and contacts, will continue to be linked to EUROSAF in support to the new secretary general.
In the agitated times we currently experience, I take the opportunity to wish you good health and peace of mind.
Best regards,
Josep M. PLA