Bidding for Events 2021
October 15, 2020President’s 20th Letter – 01/12/2020
December 1, 2020EUROSAF congratulates World Sailing new Board members
Last Sunday the results of the elections to the World Sailing Board were announced. Mr Quanhai Li (CHN) was elected World Sailing President. He was joined by 7 Vice-Presidents: Ms Özlem Akdurak (TUR), Mr Philip Baum (RSA), Mr Tomasz Chamera (POL), Ms Sarah Kenny (AUS), Mr Yann Rocherieux (FRA), Ms Cory Sertl (USA), and Mr Marcus Spillane (IRL).
The newly elected Board will serve a four-year term up until the 2024 General Assembly. We feel proud that Mr Chamera, one of the new World Sailing vice-presidents, is also first vice-president of EUROSAF.
The EUROSAF Executive Board congratulates the newly elected World Sailing Board members, looks forward to cooperating in contributing to sailing development and to supporting World Sailing projects and goals, and whishes them a term full of harmony and success.
Details can be found on the World Sailing website (