Race Officials Exchange Programme Meeting – Part 1
January 18, 2021
EUROSAF 420 Circuit continues
January 26, 2021President’s 21st letter – 22/01/2021

Dear friends,
2021 starts with everybody—from Federations and Clubs to event organisers and sailors—intent on resuming sailing and sailing related activities. Of course we all need to adapt to current possibilities in terms of travelling and gathering, very much limited currently. Let us wish they do not become still more restricted, while the pandemic situation seems to worsen, and look forward to the relief the vaccine promises. In the meantime, planning and preparation are resolutely underway.
2021 ROEP Meeting
The EUROSAF Race Officials Exchange Programme meeting was successfully held electronically on 16 January. Close to 52 spots in 28 events across Europe up to May were allocated. Events from June on will be allocated in a second electronic meeting convened by end April. A virtual come-together followed the allocation process where 29 delegates from 24 MNAs exchanged experiences and projects going forward.
Electronic Extraordinary General Assembly
On 30 January, from 1000 to 1200 CET, an Electronic Extraordinary General Assembly will take place to discuss two constitutional interpretations. The first one concerns elections taking place in 2021; the second one strives for EUROSAF to be ready in case the Ordinary General Assembly of 17 April could not be held physically and the meeting and elections should be held electronically. Members have been sent the relevant information to their official address.
2021 EUROSAF Events
In spite of the current pandemic situation and the ensuing uncertainty, as noted at the beginning, almost all 2021 EUROSAF Events have been allocated.
The EUROSAF Inclusive European Championship will be raced on 2.4mR boats in Medemblik, the Netherlands, from 2 to 6 June.
The EUROSAF Match Racing, Youth European Championship will be sailed in Ledro, Italy, from 24 to 27 June.
The EUROSAF Match Racing, Open European Championship will be organized in Ekaterinburg, Russia, from 17 to 21 August.
The EUROSAF Club Sailing Championship will take place in Vienna, Austria, from 26 to 29 August.
The EUROSAF Mixed Offshore European Championship has experienced a surge in interest and has received two very high quality bids. We expect to announce place and dates shortly.
Concerning EUROSAF class championships:
– the EUROSAF L30 European Championship will be sailed in Balaton, Hungary, from 16 to 20 July, just before the famous Kékszalag (Blue Ribbon Round Lake Balaton Race);
– the EUROSAF Pirat Junior European Championship will be organized on Ratzeburger See, Germany, from 17 to 24 July; and
– the EUROSAF Platu25 European Championship will take place in Odessa, Ukraine, from 6 to 10 October.
Concerning EUROSAF Cups:
– the EUROSAF 420 European Cup comprises 6 events (Vilamoura, Portugal; San Remo, Italy; Izola, Slovenia; Martigues, France; Csopak, Hungary; and Kiel, Germany);
– the EUROSAF Inclusive Sailing Cup includes 7 events sailed in 2.4mR boats (Berlin, Germany; Medemblik, the Netherlands; Traunsee, Austria; Achensee, Austria; plus the German International Championship, the Czech Grand Prix, and the Italian National Championship — places to be announced).
A further EUROSAF Mixed Offshore Cup is under discussion, which will bring together current efforts to promote this exciting discipline and help towards its confirmation as an Olympic event by giving them more visibility and impact. As previously noted, such Cups are an effective way to enhance events’ reach, to increase participation, and to bring value to all parties involved without cluttering a calendar that can easily become overcrowded.
The EUROSAF Match Racing, Women’s European Championship, after receiving a formal show of interest, is currently the only EUROSAF Event lacking an organiser for 2021. Please come forward urgently with an application!
Note the bidding process for 2022 and 2023 EUROSAF Events is still open. Some have already been pre-empted. Come forward if you or your Clubs are interested in hosting one of them.
I wish that you, your families, and your sailors are also actively building the new normal and I look forward to meeting our Members’ delegates online next week.
Best regards,
Josep M. PLA