All Set for the Start
July 17, 2021
Match Racing in the middle of Ekaterinburg
August 17, 2021Home Teams won Gold & Silver

The Team of Tranquilo (HUN) are the 2021 European Champions of the EUROSAF L30 Class helmed by Rauschenberger Miklós with owner Bakonyi Attila and the crew of Pécsváradi Ákos, Nedbál Noel, Juhász György. Team Present Perfect (HUN) won silver with owner/helmsman dr. Tenke Péter, Tenke Martin, Goszleth Marcell and Takácsy Levente, followed by the bronze medalist team of L31 (GER), Klaus Wagner, Bastian Henning, Maximilian Nowak, Nico Krauss, Thomas Miklos.
Spartacus Sailing Club has put together a wonderful European Championship event with all 9 scheduled races completed. Sailing conditions on Lake Balaton showed all kind of wind, starting wit a light wind first day followed by fresher breezes on the second, finally topping it up with a sunny 15-20 knot final day.
On the closing day of the Championship Tranquilo continued sailing confidently in the strong northerly breeze and won the first two races. Tardex (UKR) was the best scoring team today with 2-5-2 finishes. In the last race the leading Hungarian boat made a costly port-starboard mistake right before the finish line, so they had to turn back on the course to complete their penalty turn and re-finish the race. As it turned out, their 9th place finish was still enough to claim the gold medal. The German team of L31 made a nice sprint to steal the win in race 9, but they had to settle for bronze overall as Present Perfect came in third and kept their overnight silver position.
The third European Championship in L30 history was a spectacular regatta, where the L30 boats showcased all their benefits and strenghts that makes this class growing in popularity. As the L30 European championship was held under auspices of EUROSAF, the organization’s Secretary General Doris Gstatter attended the event. “We are delighted with the level of organization of the event, – Doris Gstatter commented, – the racing was fantastic. The L30 class can really serve to promote sailing around Europe, as she is multifunctional. You can sail with family or race competitively – L30 is perfect for both”.
New class president
On July 19, here at Spartacus YC’s premises the class proponent Rodion Luka gathered the owners for the class meeting. Klaus Wagner was elected as the new Class President and other issues were discussed. “As a new Class President I will be seeking to enlarge the class geography and organize more international events at the best venues. – Wagner said – With this fantastic event at Balaton the bar is already set very high. With input from other teams we will try to measure up to our owners’ expectations”.
Full results https://www.l30euro2021.com/results
Fotocredit: Gabor Cserta