Season’s Greetings
December 22, 2021
President’s 26th Letter – 28/01/2022
January 29, 202224 countries represented at EUROSAF Race Officials Exchange Programme meeting in Mallorca

The EUROSAF Race Officials Exchange Programme meeting took place on 15 January in Palma de Mallorca. Thanks to the professional organization by Ferran Muniesa and his team from Club Nàutic S’Arenal and the support of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, the delegates from all over Europe were able to meet physically to allocate the places for Race Officials at sailing events on the continent for 2022. The first event starts in a few days in Monaco: The „J70 Winter Series“ at the beginning of February. The last entered event will close the season: The “New Years regatta” in Hvar, Croatia.
All in all, around 120 events in 26 member countries were put on the meeting table, including some of the major European sailing events and continental championships. 235 spots were offered, at the end of the meeting 158 of them were allocated. More spots will be filled with late entries in the next weeks. “We are really happy that we were able to have the meeting face to face again, this is not a matter of course these days. Despite the difficult pandemic situation, 24 countries were represented on site“, Pınar Coşkuner Genç, EUROSAF Vice-president responsible for the programme, said right after the conference. As in the past, Anastasia Weinberger and Nino Shmueli moderated the allocation process with aplomb.
Unique hospitality, additional programme
After the Race Officials exchange, there were interesting presentations and reports from the Working Parties. EUROSAF Vice-president Alexandru Octavian Micu from Romania presented the Express Sailing project, a simple regatta format to promote sailing to beginners and to the public. The evening was rounded off with an excellent diner at Club Nàutic S’Arenal.
The next Race Officials Exchange Programme meeting will take place on 14 January 2023 in the Netherlands, in Amsterdam.
The venue for 2024 has not yet been decided. If you are interested in hosting the meeting, please contact the secretary general.