President’s 29th letter – 21/10/2022
October 21, 2022
Seasons Greetings 2023
November 24, 2022EUROSAF MNAs’ meeting in Abu Dhabi

EUROSAF Member’s delegates present at the World Sailing Annual Conference in Abu Dhabi met for an informal meeting. 31 delegates from 20 Members gathered with Executive Board members to be updated about EUROSAF projects.
Following the welcome to delegates from Josep M Pla, EUROSAF president, delegates observed a minute of silence in remembrance of our colleagues and friends who departed recently, including David Antoncic (SLO), Jean-Pierre Champion (FRA), Tor Møinichen (NOR), Jack Roy (IRL), and Zvi Ziblat (ISR).
First vice-president Pınar Coşkuner Genç presented the upcoming Race Officials Exchange Programme meeting that will take place in Amsterdam on 14 January 2023 and gave a report about the webinars set up by EUROSAF this year and that will continue during winter.
Vice-president Marco Predieri recalled EUROSAF will reach its 25th anniversary next year and the General Assembly in Rome on 11 March 2023 will be an opportunity to celebrate and to thank those who have contributed to EUROSAF’s current successes since its foundation. [The date of 22 April 2023 was erroneously announced at the meeting.]
Vice-president Timo Hass spoke about the good standing of EUROSAF’s finances, thanks to the generous contribution of the Austrian Ministry of Sport and the Austrian Sailing Federation. In addition, he informed Members about plans to create educational material to support Members with small structures in creating a group of race officials and coaches capable of running high level events in their regions.Members were also asked to provide input about a new possible event that would crown the best European sailing nation and show-case a new, mixed and team-based,discipline.
President Pla explained the process that brought the Continental/Regional Associations Commission to be presented to the Board of World Sailing for creation as an advisory body for development matters. He described the constructive discussions that brought together representatives from all Continental Associations around a development project in Oceania and the general willingness to keep this participation forum working and open to exchange.
Vice-president Yana Dobzhitskaya spoke about EUROSAF Events and the bids still open in 2023 and 2024 and on the on-going work around EUROSAF Events Regulations, that builds on the existing and successful EUROSAF MatchRacing Regulations.
Edo Fantela (CRO) requested support from EUROSAF and itsMembers to reactivate sailing activities in the Balkan region.Maciej Szafran (POL) informed about the possibilities of using the Erasmus+ EU funding programme for cooperative projects amongst Members and with EUROSAF. Charles Glover (GBR) thanked the Executive Board members for their presentations and asked the treasurer to give a detailed report in the upcoming General Assembly on the support from the Ministry and the cost of the staff in Austria.
Thank you to all Member’s delegates who took part in the meeting.