EUROSAF Match Racing Open European Championship | Cancelled!

2020tue11augAll Daysat15EUROSAF Match Racing Open European Championship | Cancelled!Due to Corona Crisis the event had to be cancelled. Organizers working to reschedule it for 2021.Ekaterinburg, Russia

Event Details

The EUROSAF Match Racing Open European Championship shall take place in Summer 2020 in Ekaterinburg, Russia. Best Match Race Teams from our continent will compete in the city, two flight-hours away from Moscow. Organizer provides eight keelboats type “Ricochet-747” (LOA 7,47m), each boat will be provided with the following sails: Mainsail, Genoa, Jib, Spinnaker. Boats shall be sailed with four or five sailors with a maximum of 350kg weight. 




Location: Ekaterinburg, RUS


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