Members Meeting

2017mon13marAll DayMembers MeetingOrdinary General Assembly 2017Sofia, Bulgaria

Event Details


All delegates and observers of the 20th Ordinary General Assembly of EUROSAF were invited to join an open discussion about tasks and challenges of EUROSAF for the coming years with the new elected EUROSAF Executive Board. All Board members, but Yana Dobzhiskaya (absent), the Secretary General, and the immediate past Secretary General took part in the meeting.


Key topics from the audience:

  • –  Regain “trust”.
  • –  The situation of World Sailing is putting pressure on EUROSAF and all the other Continental Associations:
    Establish meetings between the Continental Associations (e.g. aroundWorld Sailing Meetings).
  • –  Situation between Associations and Classes: Establish a committee for communication with MNA’s and Classes.
  • –  Quality of events under EUROSAF flag:o EUROSAF Youth Europeans
    o EUROSAF Champions Sailing Cup
    o EUROSAF Match Race Events (open, women, youth)
  • –  Work out/show the impact of EUROSAF on this events.
  • –  EUROSAF right now is the only Continental Association not having the rightsfor the Continental titles in sailing. It should be a main goal for new Board to get the rights.
  • –  Clarify open topics regarding the new Constitution.
  • –  Activate communication with and between Members.
  • –  Create new name and logo.
  • –  Prepare a survey to get to know ideas, problems, etc., of Members



Meeting Minutes

Trends in sailing and ideas:

  • –  League Sailing is a growing part of sailing, especially in Europe.
  • –  Increase the number of events with supported equipment to keep sailingaffordable.
  • –  Sailing calendar (especially in youth classes) gets tighter and tighter.
  • –  Build up a “Junior Circuit” also based on current and well established events.
  • –  Re-think the (old) idea of having an European Ranking (not only in OlympicClasses).
  • –  Strengthen the “old” European Sailing Events (Palma, Hyeres, Delta LloydRegatta, Kieler Week).
  • –  Have a close look at all other parts of sailing (e.g. International Classes,Vintage Class Events, …).Comments by (in alphabetical order):Borking, Kjell (SWE), Cavalucci, Walter (ITA), Derbyshire, John (GBR), Fantela, Edo (CRO), Fundak, Georg (AUT), Kassarov, Stanislav (BUL), Micu, Alexandru (ROU), Shmueli, Nino (ISR).




Location:  Sofia, BULGARIA

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