Ordinary General Assembly 2020

2020sat28marAll DayOrdinary General Assembly 2020Online Meeting

Event Details

Neusiedl am See, 11 March 2020

Official Notice of Cancellation of Physical Meeting & Notice of Electronic Meeting

The situation generated by COVID-19 seems to be getting out of hand and many European countries are introducing strong prohibitions to international travel and even to internal movements. It has become very difficult to anticipate which new regulations will come into effect in the following days, not to mention the following weeks. It also seems clear that as responsible individuals and as a trusty organization EUROSAF must behave in solidarity with efforts to minimize the spread of the infection, thus adding to the initiatives being adopted both in the sports world and in other areas of daily life.

Thus, bearing in mind the probable difficulties to be faced by delegates and our social responsibility, in agreement with our hosts, the Croatian Sailing Federation, and after consultation with the Legal Committee chairman, the EUROSAF Executive Board has decided to cancel the physical meeting scheduled for 28 March in Zagreb and replace it with an electronic meeting followed by an electronic vote convened according to article 13bis of the Constitution.

Palace Hotel Zagreb has confirmed it will not charge for cancellations made in advance to the meeting. Delegates having already booked their stay are advised to cancel promptly their hotel reservation to avoid being charged for late cancellation. The EUROSAF Executive Board is aware that delegates may incur other charges related to their travel arrangements, as indeed some EB members will. However, it appears highly improbable that the situation will improve in the next weeks, and therefore providing clarity and cutting losses appears as the best course.

Therefore, in accordance with article 13bis of the Constitution and because of the aforementioned circumstances, formal notice is hereby given that an Electronic General Assembly with the enclosed Agenda will be held on 28 March and an electronic vote will be conducted the following week.

The Executive Board will send the relevant documents on or before 18 March. Matters on the Agenda will be discussed by means of an electronic meeting platform on 28 March from 0900 to 1200 CET and votes will be open by email during the following week, from 31 March to 6 April. The platform and the voting procedure will be detailed in a separate document sent with the other documents.

The EUROSAF Executive Board regrets having to come to this decision but understands it is the most sensible one according to the circumstances.


“Information concerning the cancelled meeting, for reference only”

The Annual General Meeting and the 23rd Ordinary General Assembly will take place in Zagreb, Croatia. EUROSAF will follow the invitation to use the facilities of the Croatian Sailing Federation for all meetings during the Annual General Meeting. The sailing centre is around 15 minutes’ drive from the hotel by bus. Transportation and catering will be provided.

Recommended hotel:

Palace Hotel Zagreb

Trg J.J. Strossmayera 10

10 000 Zagreb

Hrvatska (Croatia)

T: +385 1 4899 611

E: margarita.sikic@palace.hr  –  palace@palace.hr

W: www.palace.hr 

The hotel is in the city centre and offers special conditions for the accommodation of attendees:

€ 95 per single occupancy room per night, including breakfast

€ 105 per double occupancy room per night, including breakfast 

The rooms are held under “Eurosaf General Assembly”. To benefit from this special rate attendees must contact the hotel directly by sending Ms. Margarita Šikić an email at margarita.sikic@palace.hr mentioning the conference name. Rooms are held until 25 February 2020. After this date the hotel cannot guarantee availability or price.


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