SAILING Top Seminar

2019wed16janAll Daythu17SAILING Top SeminarPolitecnico di Torino and EUROSAF organize a first Sailing Top Seminar in Città Studi Biella (Italy)Biella, Italy

Event Details

From 16 to 17 January 2019 the first Sailing Top Seminar, part of the programme for the Second-Level Specializing Master in Sports Engineering, took place in Biella (Italy). Organized by Politecnico di Torino in cooperation with EUROSAF, this one and a half day seminar was open to sailing experts from all around Europe. Politecnico di Torino made the live streaming of the seminar available to outside attendees, offering a wonderful opportunity to attend the Seminar online.

Available presentations (see DOCUMENTS section below):

Prof. Ada Ferri – “Hot Weather Management in Sailing”.

Dr Marco Iazzetta – “Sport Performance Analysis – SAP Sailing Analytics“.

Prof. Alessandro Pezzoli – “Meteorology and Weather Analysis for Sailors”.

More information is available in the News section.

Participants in the Sailing Top Seminar in Biella, Italy


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