EUROSAF BENETEAU First 27 SE & Seascape27 European Single-Handed Championship 2024

2024tue17sep(sep 17)9:00 amsun22(sep 22)6:00 pmEUROSAF BENETEAU First 27 SE & Seascape27 European Single-Handed Championship 2024Svendborg Amatør Sejlklub, Færgevej 19, 5700 Svendborg, Denmark

Event Details

The largest single-handed regatta in the world that inspired the SE spirit in more ways than one remains one of the highlights on the calendar.

With the additional layer of competition of the Solo Europeans, we are giving the serious amateur sailor a platform to sail, compete and expand their comfort zone without making the tremendous sacrifices required for professional classes. 

–> Event Website



Tit Plevnik:

Mauris rhoncus orci in imperdiet placerat.

Vestibulum euismod nisl suscipit ligula volutpat, a feugiat urna maximus. Cras massa nibh, tincidunt ut eros a, vulputate consequat odio.

Vestibulum vehicula tempor nulla, sed hendrerit urna interdum in. Donec et nibh maximus, congue est eu, mattis nunc. Praesent ut quam quis quam venenatis fringilla. Morbi vestibulum id tellus commodo mattis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean accumsan id mi nec semper.